H.O.M.E. (Homes Organized for Meaningful Education) is an association of Christian families
who recognize that the education and nurture of their children in all phases of life is the
God-given responsibility of the parents. The organization and all of its activities and
publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian.
A. Purpose of H.O.M.E. is:
1. To provide a ministry for mutual support and encouragement between Christian families who
choose to educate their children in the home.
2. To promote the sharing of information about homeschooling.
3. To organize educational opportunities that would be difficult for individual families to provide
for themselves.
B. Membership in H.O.M.E. is open to families who:
1. Agree/support the Statement of Faith, the introductory statement and the purpose of H.O.M.E.
2. Pay an annual participation fee as determined by the board.
3. Parental assistance in group activities is understood as a basic requirement of participation.
4. When a parent is unable to attend an activity and his/her children are in attendance,
authorization must be given to another H.O.M.E. parent with written permission (required forms
available from H.O.M.E.).
5. Non-members of H.O.M.E. are entitled to attend one co-op as an observer.
6. Are members in good standing of a local, Christian church (definition of “a member in good
standing” is one who regularly attends worship and is not under church discipline).
C. Voting Requirements
1. Only members of H.O.M.E. can vote.
2. Each family represents one vote.
D. Officers (Board) of H.O.M.E.
1. Must be a member of H.O.M.E. for 1 year.
2. The board consists of the following officers:
a. H.O.M.E. Director – Group spokesman, oversees all activities.
b. Social Media Coordinator - Oversees all social media.
c. Special Events Director - Oversees and make arrangements for special events.
d. Field Trip Coordinator – Coordinate field trips for group for school year.
e. Co-op Director - Responsible for overseeing the operation of the H.O.M.E. Co-op.
*See job description attachment for full job descriptions.
4. Elected at the annual business meeting for a one year term beginning July 1.
5. All decisions of the board must be agreed upon by a simple majority of votes.
E. Financial Matters
1. All H.O.M.E. Board members will be expected to serve without compensation, however, if the
budget allows for it, membership fees or portions there of, can be waived as a thank you gift for
the time and commitment given. This gift would be voted upon and granted by the previous
year’s board, determined by the amount of money that is able to be allocated for this purpose. To
be voted upon at the January meeting.
2. The Co-op Director shall receive monies for H.O.M.E. Sources of such monies include
participation dues and donations.
3. A financial report shall be presented at the annual business meeting by the Co-op director.
4. No H.O.M.E. monies shall be used to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, officers,
or other private persons, except that H.O.M.E. shall be authorized and empowered to pay
reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of the purposes of H.O.M.E.
5. Upon the dissolution of H.O.M.E., the Board shall, after satisfying all the liabilities of the
organization, dispose of all H.O.M.E. assets in a manner consistent with the purposes of
H.O.M.E., to such organizations or causes as the Board may determine.
F. H.O.M.E. Activities
1. Co-op Meetings
To be held regularly during the school year.
2. Educational Activities
a. To offer educational classes for all ages taught by member parents on a volunteer basis.
1) Classes, workshops and field trips will be organized for participants of H.O.M.E. (contingent
upon filled coordinator positions)
2) H.O.M.E. Board must approve all expenses for activities.
3. Membership Meetings
Voting for new board members and changes in the constitution and bylaws will be held once a
year either in person or by email.
4. Board Meetings
To be held at least twice a year.
G. Amendments
1. All H.O.M.E. members may suggest amendments to be considered by the board.
2. Amendments are proposed to the membership by the Board.
3. Notice of proposed amendments to the constitution should be given no later than two weeks
prior to the vote being taken.
4. This constitution can be amended by 2/3 majority of votes.
5. Proxy ballots or email voting will be accepted.
6. All members will be given a two week time frame in which to turn in their votes. This
constitution can be amended by 2/3 majority of votes received within the two week time frame.
All members who do not turn in their vote within the two week voting period will forfeit their
vote for that amendment.
Updated 8/2019
H.O.M.E. (Homes Organized for Meaningful Education) is an association of Christian families
who recognize that the education and nurture of their children in all phases of life is the
God-given responsibility of the parents. The organization and all of its activities and
publications will be consistently and forthrightly Christian.
A. Purpose of H.O.M.E. is:
1. To provide a ministry for mutual support and encouragement between Christian families who
choose to educate their children in the home.
2. To promote the sharing of information about homeschooling.
3. To organize educational opportunities that would be difficult for individual families to provide
for themselves.
B. Membership in H.O.M.E. is open to families who:
1. Agree/support the Statement of Faith, the introductory statement and the purpose of H.O.M.E.
2. Pay an annual participation fee as determined by the board.
3. Parental assistance in group activities is understood as a basic requirement of participation.
4. When a parent is unable to attend an activity and his/her children are in attendance,
authorization must be given to another H.O.M.E. parent with written permission (required forms
available from H.O.M.E.).
5. Non-members of H.O.M.E. are entitled to attend one co-op as an observer.
6. Are members in good standing of a local, Christian church (definition of “a member in good
standing” is one who regularly attends worship and is not under church discipline).
C. Voting Requirements
1. Only members of H.O.M.E. can vote.
2. Each family represents one vote.
D. Officers (Board) of H.O.M.E.
1. Must be a member of H.O.M.E. for 1 year.
2. The board consists of the following officers:
a. H.O.M.E. Director – Group spokesman, oversees all activities.
b. Social Media Coordinator - Oversees all social media.
c. Special Events Director - Oversees and make arrangements for special events.
d. Field Trip Coordinator – Coordinate field trips for group for school year.
e. Co-op Director - Responsible for overseeing the operation of the H.O.M.E. Co-op.
*See job description attachment for full job descriptions.
4. Elected at the annual business meeting for a one year term beginning July 1.
5. All decisions of the board must be agreed upon by a simple majority of votes.
E. Financial Matters
1. All H.O.M.E. Board members will be expected to serve without compensation, however, if the
budget allows for it, membership fees or portions there of, can be waived as a thank you gift for
the time and commitment given. This gift would be voted upon and granted by the previous
year’s board, determined by the amount of money that is able to be allocated for this purpose. To
be voted upon at the January meeting.
2. The Co-op Director shall receive monies for H.O.M.E. Sources of such monies include
participation dues and donations.
3. A financial report shall be presented at the annual business meeting by the Co-op director.
4. No H.O.M.E. monies shall be used to the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, officers,
or other private persons, except that H.O.M.E. shall be authorized and empowered to pay
reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in
furtherance of the purposes of H.O.M.E.
5. Upon the dissolution of H.O.M.E., the Board shall, after satisfying all the liabilities of the
organization, dispose of all H.O.M.E. assets in a manner consistent with the purposes of
H.O.M.E., to such organizations or causes as the Board may determine.
F. H.O.M.E. Activities
1. Co-op Meetings
To be held regularly during the school year.
2. Educational Activities
a. To offer educational classes for all ages taught by member parents on a volunteer basis.
1) Classes, workshops and field trips will be organized for participants of H.O.M.E. (contingent
upon filled coordinator positions)
2) H.O.M.E. Board must approve all expenses for activities.
3. Membership Meetings
Voting for new board members and changes in the constitution and bylaws will be held once a
year either in person or by email.
4. Board Meetings
To be held at least twice a year.
G. Amendments
1. All H.O.M.E. members may suggest amendments to be considered by the board.
2. Amendments are proposed to the membership by the Board.
3. Notice of proposed amendments to the constitution should be given no later than two weeks
prior to the vote being taken.
4. This constitution can be amended by 2/3 majority of votes.
5. Proxy ballots or email voting will be accepted.
6. All members will be given a two week time frame in which to turn in their votes. This
constitution can be amended by 2/3 majority of votes received within the two week time frame.
All members who do not turn in their vote within the two week voting period will forfeit their
vote for that amendment.
Updated 8/2019