Moms' Night Outs!!!
As much as we moms LOVE homeschooling our children, sometimes moms just need a night out!!
Our H.O.M.E. group periodically hosts Moms' Night Outs where moms can get away and fellowship together, sharing the joys and struggles of our homeschooling journeys.
Our nights out can take many forms. Sometimes we go out to eat together, have fellowship in someone's home,
watch educational videos together, listen to outside motivational speakers,
or enjoy any other fun time that our moms can dream up!
As much as we moms LOVE homeschooling our children, sometimes moms just need a night out!!
Our H.O.M.E. group periodically hosts Moms' Night Outs where moms can get away and fellowship together, sharing the joys and struggles of our homeschooling journeys.
Our nights out can take many forms. Sometimes we go out to eat together, have fellowship in someone's home,
watch educational videos together, listen to outside motivational speakers,
or enjoy any other fun time that our moms can dream up!